Alabama Short Stories

Podcast & Books


Alabama Short Stories: Volume 1

After publishing a podcast and book about the history of Shades Cahaba School, I was looking for a new subject. They say to write what you know about, and I know about Alabama. I have lived here all my life, the majority in the Birmingham suburb of Homewood. And when you have been in one place as long as I have, you can’t help but hear stories from around the state. Fourth grade was when I learned about the state of Alabama, and Alabama Mounds to Missiles by Helen Morgan Akins and Virginia Pounds Brown was our textbook. Other books, such as 13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey by Kathryn Tucker Windham and field trips to Moundville, the Alabama State Capital, and the Space and Rocket Center, provided me with more stories about my state. It was easy to figure out my next podcast subject, Alabama. I created the Alabama Short Stories podcast, and this book is comprised of the first 30 episodes. I share stories of artists, inventors, athletes, and exceptional people from Alabama. There are icons we know and love and alien encounters. While I can’t expect this book to rise to the popularity of Mounds to Missiles or 13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey, I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I have enjoyed sharing them with you.

Alabama Short Stories: Volume 2

Alabama Short Stories, Volume 2, takes you on a trip through the heart of this Deep South state, exploring the interesting and true tales that make Alabama unique. There are 30 more engaging stories, both old and new, that have shaped the culture of this southern state.

Come along as we share a mix of lively and different short stories that highlight the true spirit of Alabama. Alabama Short Stories celebrates the people, places, and events that have impacted this state, from the big cities to the small towns and from the Tennessee River to the Gulf Coast. We dig a little deeper and find the stories that make Alabama a unique place to live and to visit.

If you grew up in Alabama, this book picks up where your 4th-grade Alabama history class left off. If you moved here from out of state, you will get a short history lesson to connect you with the state you now call home. It’s the perfect book whether you live in Alabama or are just Alabama-curious.

Author Photo

Photo by Laurey Glenn


Book Photos

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Book design by Shawn Wright


Alabama Short Stories V1 Book Mockup
Alabama Short Stories V1 Book Mockup
Alabama Short Stories V1 Two Book Mockup
Alabama Short Stories V2 Cover
Alabama Short Stories V2 Book Mockup
Alabama Short Stories V2 Two Book Mockup
Volumes One and Two