Alabama Short Stories

Podcast & Books


Hey, this is Shawn Wright, the host of the Alabama Short Stories podcast. I am happy to announce that season 4 of the podcast is almost here.

I capped off three great seasons by publishing the book “Alabama Short Stories, Volume 1.” Now I am ready to share ten more episodes of extraordinary people, places, and events. 

This season I tell the story of a woman who would not move from her seat on a Montgomery bus only to be arrested, and her name is not Rosa Parks. There is a story of a Japanese war bride whose dream was to have a garden built in her memory in Birmingham after discovering she had an incurable brain tumor. 

Another woman, the daughter of a senator from Alabama and a member of the Bankhead family, would go on to star on Broadway and in Hollywood. 

There are stories of inventors and engineers. One man has worked with the space program, but his greatest achievement is probably making a better water gun. The other man is a former slave who learned how to build bridges and helped remodel the Alabama State Capital building, where he also served in the state house of representatives. 

There is a story about a devil on I-65 warning you to go to church. And if you don’t go and feel that you are more popular than Jesus, I have a story about what could happen to you, at least it happened to one famous band from England.

Not-so-famous bands from England also have their story told, such as when goths crossed paths with the Mighty Wurlitzer at the Alabama Theater.

I have a story about how Birmingham earned the nickname “Bombingham.” We finish the season with a tale about the man who saved Mobile’s Mardi Gras.

You can hear these stories and more by visiting or, better yet, subscribe to the podcast, listen to past season episodes, and have each new episode downloaded and ready to listen when they become available. 

If you want to support the podcast, buy the book “Alabama Short Stories, Volume 1,” at There are other options to help out in the notes section and on the website. And if you want to support the show without spending any money, rate the show on Apple podcasts. I don’t think I have to tell you that the more stars, the better. I am not telling you to make it rain like stars falling on Alabama… well, maybe a little. Make it rain, my friends!

Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy season 4 of the Alabama Short Stories podcast.

Support the Podcast

The podcast is free, but it’s not cheap. If you enjoy Alabama Short Stories, there are a few ways you can support us.

  1. Tell a friend about the podcast.
  2. Rate the podcast on Apple Podcasts
  3. Buy the book Alabama Short Stories, Volume 1.
  4. Buy some merchandise from the Art Done Wright store at
  5. Make a donation to the podcast. You can find links in the footer at



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